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The Fringe Theatre Stage

Marcus (Executive Producer & Lead Artist) worked in conjunction with co-producer and long-time collaborator Jessy Brown, as well as hired artists Jesse Wilson and Nina Nichols of Skull Island Art & Fabrication to bring this fully immersive stage/venue to Symbiosis Gathering’s Oregon Eclipse festival in 2017. 


The stage was not only a platform for countless renowned and amateur performers from all over the world, with scheduled daily and nightly programming, it was also home to the seductive, space-themed underwear strip show ‘ManTease Stripping Container’ as well as the beloved, 8 in years running underground game show, ‘Psychedelic Friendship Bingo’.


Marcus and Jessy (aka Minerva Co.), assembled a team of creative designers, painters, and carpenters to meet regularly in a live/work scenario up in Nevada City, CA where Marcus is a participating shareholder in a creative commons called The Nail Factory. Once finished, and with a breadth of 40 feet, the two-story, twin psychopomp-themed structure was loaded carefully onto an 18 wheeler, along with the ‘ManTease Stripping Container’ set and the ‘Psychedelic Friendship Bingo’ stage and set off for travel up to Big Summit Prairie in Oregon.​


Now on-site, the crew divided into teams. Some would set up the camp which would be home for the next couple of weeks to 35+ creatives, and some to begin the Fringe Theater Stage build. Marcus oversaw the entire scope of work for this project. From design to liaisoning permitting, heavy machines to transpo, contracts and artist relations, to wielding the impact driver and to handling the wheel of the reach lift himself, Marcus was present and ready, day and night, to troubleshoot, face to face and generally make it happen with a solution-seeking and community forward attitude. 

The project was a hit.

© 2022-2023 Marcus Guillard

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